Yellow Twisted 40/60 Wool/Acrylic Polishing Pad6-1/2" x 1" Hook & Loop

Yellow Twisted 40/60 Wool/Acrylic Polishing Pad6-1/2" x 1" Hook & Loop

SKU: 41-325A
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The difference between Steamed and Un-Steamed pads
By steaming the wool, the tufted wool yarn strands bloom with heat and moisture, providing a full, plush feeling. Un-Steamed wool pads the strands of wool are sewn tighter together resulting in more wool in the pad.
More Aggressive – Because the wool strands are sewn tighter together, the pads are more aggressive in their function.
Large amount of initial blow off – The first time one uses this type of wool pad, their will be a larger amount of blow off. After the initial blow off, it will shed very little for the remaining life of the pad

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