Vonixx Opty

Vonixx Opty

MS Distributors
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OPTY High-Performance Glass Polishing Compound

OPTY is a high-performance polishing compound specifically formulated to polish glass. This product effectively removes scratches, surface marks, cane scratches, and water spots from glass surfaces, restoring clarity and shine.

How to Use:

  1. Shake the product well before use.
  2. Inspect the glass carefully before starting the process. If there are any cracks, deep stone chips, or other damage, do not proceed with polishing.
  3. It’s essential that the glass is clean and decontaminated using Prizm Vonixx before starting.
  4. Apply the product directly onto the felt pad, carpet, or jean cloth.
  5. Perform overlapping, cross movements with a rotary polisher, keeping the speed between 1200 and 1600 RPM.
  6. Check the temperature of the glass, ensuring it remains between 55º and 65º.
  7. Mist the polishing pad with a spray bottle of water as needed, avoiding direct contact with the glass.

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