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Almost all vehicles manufactured today have headlights with polycarbonate lenses. This material is lightweight, impact resistant and much safer than the glass lenses of the past, making it the ideal choice for the construction of the modern headlamp. But, unfortunately, there is a major disadvantage for this material: it undergoes oxidation and yellow over time when it is very exposed to UV rays.

Some companies even polish these yellow headlights and make them new, but polishing alone is not enough, as it does not form a protective film and, after a few weeks, the headlight will turn yellow again. Thinking about it, Vonixx surprises once again, and develops a solution to this problem.

V-Light Pro is a high performance coating based on silicon dioxide, developed especially to recover headlights composed of polycarbonate and which have undergone oxidation over time. The product forms a glassy, ​​semi-flexible, highly transparent and resistant film, which withstands swellings that polycarbonate headlamps suffer with temperature variation, without the risk of cracking or yellowing over time.

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