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The silicon-based glazing protects the car's paint for a long time and has several spectacular characteristics, however, the product has the same touch of glass, that is, the surface does not have the velvety touch like that left by waxes and sealants . As a result, we have developed SiO2-PRO, an exclusive product, developed especially for the maintenance of surfaces treated by vitrifiers. The product can be used every 30 or 45 days to maintain surfaces that have been treated with V-Plastic (plastics), V-light (headlights and lanterns) and V-Paint (paint).

Its balanced formulation contains silanes and long chain siloxanes, which are polymers derived from the chemical element silicon. This composition, promotes incredible hydrorepelence, and significantly improves the finish of these surfaces. The product leaves a velvety touch and considerably reduces the friction coefficient, reducing the chances of scratches on these surfaces, in addition to extending the useful life of the glazed surfaces.

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