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Native is a high purity carnauba wax produced 100% in Brazil and developed exclusively for car lovers who do not give up a noble wax. Brazil is recognized for being the only country in the world to produce carnauba on a large scale. Native is manufactured by hand with carnauba wax type 1, which is extracted from the straw of the eye of the native carnauba trees in the state of Ceará, this being the producer of the best and purest carnauba waxes in the world, in addition to being the main producer and exporter worldwide.

Vonixx was concerned with using as few unnatural components as possible that could interfere with the quality of the final product. With this, Native is free of any fragrance, maintaining the natural aroma of carnauba, leaving the product as pure as possible. Native Brazilian Carnaúba Black Wax is a carnauba wax of high purity produced 100% in Brazil, developed exclusively to restore the shine of dark cars, especially those of black color. Native Black Wax is fragrance-free so you can feel the real smell of our pure carnauba from Ceará. Brazil is recognized for being the only country in the world to produce carnauba on a large scale. Native Black Wax is manufactured by hand using Brazilian carnauba wax, which is extracted from the trees native to the state of Ceará, which is the producer of the best and purest carnauba waxes in the world, in addition to being the main producer and exporter in the world. worldwide.

Extremely pleasurable to use, it results in a velvety touch on the painted surface, promotes a warm and charming shine, being indicated mainly for collectors, enthusiasts and professionals looking for an exclusive and high quality product.

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