Kranzle K1622TS Pressure Washer 1600 PSI, 1.7 GPM

Kranzle K1622TS Pressure Washer 1600 PSI, 1.7 GPM

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K1622 1600 PSI, 1.7 GPM

The K1622 TS cold water electric pressure washer, produce 1,600 PSI at 1.7 GPM, is for light industrial and commercial use;  auto detailing, HVAC maintenance, screen printing, boats, silk screen printing, 3D printing, etc. What distinguishes this Kränzle unit from the competition is the unique capabilities of the Kränzle pump and the uncompromising German quality. The Kränzle pump can run dry and in bypass, as proven in independent laboratory tests, making it more durable and reliable than the competition. It also has the TOTAL STOP feature, which means when you let go of the trigger, the motor stops. Compared to other machines, this unit is also very quiet.


The K1622 TS is equipped with a Kränzle AZL industrial grade pump with built-in easy start and is powered by a Kränzle 110 volt, 15 amp TEFC electric motor with 35' cord and ground fault interrupter (GFI). This pressure washer self primes and is freeze proof.

The K1622 TS comes with: professional gun-jet lance, 33' wire braided hose, gauge, safety coupler screw connections, the Kränzle industrial Vario-jet (high pressure wash/soap) nozzle. An optional exit side chemical injection kit is available (part no. 97133765). With a cleaning power rating of 2,720 cleaning units, the K1622 TS cold water electric pressure washer provides the cleaning professional a lot of power in a small package.

Measures: 18-inches length by 7-inches width by 13-inches height. Weight: 52 pounds. Metal and plastic finish.

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