HDO Foam Polishing Pad 6-1/2" x 1" Hook & Loop

HDO Foam Polishing Pad 6-1/2" x 1" Hook & Loop

SKU: HDO-23650
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HDO Pads
Designed for long throw polishers specifically, the heavy duty orbital (HDO) line was created to offer more durable and performance enhancing characteristics. Pad Design
Incorporates the benefits and concepts of both thick and thin pads, as well as the advantages of a tapered profile and exact fit style pads. This helps to create a user-friendly experience with impressive results while offering performance benefits to the operator
Dual Layer (Foam Pads Only) – Our dual layer designed foam reduces lateral/horizontal movement, resulting in a reduction of molecular friction inside the pad which increases durability by eliminating excessive heat and reduces foam fatigue.
Stay Cool – HDO pads block heat transfer between layers and offer the same benefits of a thin pad. Along with the benefits of a thin pad, the design and shape offer proper weight and weight distribution for maximum performance. The center cooling chamber dissipates heat away from the center of the pad, reducing temperatures and increasing durability
Shape and Design – Design offers even pressure distribution like an exact fit pad, but shape/profile offers the precision and safety of a tapered pad. The tapered edge prevents pad rolling and provides great pad rotation. Great for curved and contoured panels.

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