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  • Features

    • Dirt goes down! Water goes up!
    • Patented venturi spring design pumps clean water into your wash mitt, brushes, hand applicators and more, then traps the unwanted debris!
    • Soft rounded scrubbing ridges allow you to scrub and pump away debris!

    Use the Scrub And Pump attachment for added cleaning power with your Dirt Lock bucket filter. Simply push the attachment into place and use it to scrub wash mitts, brushes, hand applicator pads and more!

    It works on a spring loaded system to pump cleaner water up and cycle dirty debris safely underneath the screen and out of harms way. The soft rounded scrubbing ridges allow you to scrub and pump away dirt and grime! 

    This is the ultimate bucket filtering system to further enhance the Dirt Locks cleaning power and help ensure your vehicle is safe from swirl-marks and scratches!

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