BINDER | Premium Slick Wax

BINDER | Premium Slick Wax

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Binder Premium Slick Wax is intended for the exterior of the vehicle and provides an anti-static smooth finish on all painted surfaces and plastics. This product enhances the surface appearance with an increased colour depth & luster. Makes all surfaces super smooth & static free, enhancing colour & depth.
1. Be sure to shake the bottle before use.
2. Remove any moisture from the surface of the vehicle prior to using the product.
3. Working with one panel at a time spread the wax evenly with a microfiber towel and wait up to 30 seconds prior to buffing away the residue until shiny with a separate dry microfiber cloth.
Full curing takes around two hours so it is advisable to not let a freshly coated vehicle touch water for at least that amount of time. Lasts up to six weeks.
Supplied with an application sprayer.

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