Fireball | Reborn

Fireball | Reborn

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Reborn is a super powerful preparation cleaner to remove oils, waxes, and silicones. Reborn maximizes the bonding performance of Fireball waxes, coatings, and sealants. This cleaner is used as a primer to nanotechnology coatings. Reborn can also be used as a post-polish inspection fluid to remove fillers and polishing dust from all surfaces, as well as a cleaner for automotive glass. Reborn’s blend of special degreasing agents, ethanol, and other alcohols are safe to use on delicate surfaces and contain no harmful petroleum distillates. 


Features & Benefits:

  • Intense cleaner designed to dissolve oil particles and remove polish residue 

  • Prepares paintwork and other surfaces 

  • Anti-static resists dust after wiping

  • Body shop safe

  • Luxurious scent 

  • Evolution beyond IPA and other prep spays

  • Ensures proper bonding and adhesion for all coatings

  • Safe on delicate surfaces

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